Sunday, September 22, 2013

Friday Night out - Cafe de Jaren

Okay this Friday we deiced to take it easy and just have a few drinks with our friends, avoid crazy night out with lots of bars, tequila shots and terrible hangover in the morning.
We agreed to meet at Cafe de Jaren, a nice spacious restaurant in the center of Amsterdam. The place is quite nice, lots of room, nice terrace facing the canal, so if you come there in summer that would be a lovely spot to chill out, enjoy the conversation with a few glasses of wine.
When it gets colder and more wet as it always does in the Netherlands as soon as August is over, then you probably would want to step inside and stay dry and warm.

You won't fine some cocktails, tunes pumping making everybody dance, crazy parties, and it is definitely not the place to finish your  night out. But it is a great place to sit back and relax, with your friends, family.
So depending on what you are looking for, might be the right or wrong place for you.
Weird thing though, well it is quite typical for the majority of venues in Amsterdam, you have to pay for the toilet. I always found it weird, when you leave 50 EUR at the bar they still charge you 50 cents to use the loo. Oh well, this is what it is :-)
Beside that, as I mentioned, great place for the right occasion.

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